The Intersection of AI and Cyber Defence

By Smeet Chheda

With movies like ‘Terminator’, ‘I, Robot’, ‘Ex Machina’ and ‘The Matrix’ dominating Artificial Intelligence (AI) pop culture, the average consumer’s initial prerogative is to assume that AI is a threat to the world’s security. Who can blame them? In these films, we witness the (hopefully!) hyperbolized impact AI can have when its capabilities and growth are left unchecked – and it’s not pretty. In reality, current AI technology is far from the level we see in something like ‘The Matrix’ – a self-sustained entity that possesses Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). However, it’s still important to look at how Cybersecurity and AI can interoperate both now and in the future.

My Friend Sent Me This Link

By Kim Edwards

I just received an e-mail from my best friend with an embedded link. The link seems meaningless and not something my friend would send. However, it comes from a trusted source which is my friend’s e-mail account. The link must be safe or else my buddy would not send it … wrong … you are letting your alter ego prevail.

Network Security Protocols: Background Part I

By Jojo Maalouf

As an IT security professional, one of the areas where I gained a significant amount of knowledge and experience in is network security. Working for a telecommunications company, it’s pretty much a given that if you are working in security, you are dealing with network security protocols such as IPsec, SSL/TLS and SSH. I started off primarily working with IPsec and eventually was exposed to TLS and finally, SSH. One of the real issues that I first encountered was differentiating between these network security protocols. It took me time to be able to understand and explain the following:
“What is the difference between these network security protocols?”
“Which one shall I use?”